Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm a Greatist Ambassador!!

These past several years, as I have slowly worked my way to a healthy lifestyle, I've been seeking out helpful resources on the web. I'm definitely a learner; when getting into a topic of interest I like to read everything I can find on it, including books, articles, helpful links, etc. 

About 3 months ago, I stumbled upon a fun, easy, & informative website that I started regularly visiting, For me, Greatist was that one ideal online source for motivation, tips, and inspiration for all things fitness, health, and happiness.  I also appreciate that Greatist is about choosing better, even by just one more healthy choice per day or week! I think that helps to emphasize how each healthy choice is important and contributes to our overall health and well-being.
So you can imagine how excited and honored I was, after visiting Greatist almost every day, to find out that I’ve been chosen to be a Greatist Ambassador! My role as a Greatist Ambassador is essentially to inspire you to make those daily or weekly healthy choices- I see a lot of similiarities in my role as a Greatist Ambassador and the reasons why I started this blog- sharing ideas, building relationships with other fitness buffs, and ultimately helping to empower each other AND hold each other accountable. I'm thrilled to be joining the Greatist Family, and being part of a community of folks interested in realistic, everyday healthy lifestyle choices.
Be sure to follow me on Twitter@arikagrace where I’ll be sharing tips, healthy recipes, blog posts, and updating you on my progress with the hashtag #imagreatist.

Thanks for your support!

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